Interface IBlockAccessor

@ClientOnly @NonExtendable public interface IBlockAccessor
Used to get some basic data out of the game without having to request direct access to the game engine.
  • Method Details

    • getWorld

      Level getWorld()
    • getPlayer

      Player getPlayer()
    • getBlock

      Block getBlock()
    • getBlockState

      BlockState getBlockState()
    • getBlockEntity

      @Nullable <T extends BlockEntity> T getBlockEntity()
    • getBlockHitResult

      BlockHitResult getBlockHitResult()
    • getPosition

      BlockPos getPosition()
    • getRenderingPosition

      @Nullable @Nullable Vec3 getRenderingPosition()
    • getServerDataTime

      long getServerDataTime()
    • getData

      IDataReader getData()
    • getSide

      Direction getSide()
    • getStack

      ItemStack getStack()
    • getUpdateId

      int getUpdateId()
    • getRayCastOrigin

      Vec3 getRayCastOrigin()
    • getRayCastDirection

      Vec3 getRayCastDirection()
    • getRayCastMaxDistance

      double getRayCastMaxDistance()
    • getFrameTime

      float getFrameTime()