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Getting Started

Gradle Setup

To get started making a WTHIT plugin, add the following to your build.gradle

Adding Repository

repositories {
  maven {
    url ""
    content {
      includeGroup "lol.bai"
      includeGroup "mcp.mobius.waila"

Declaring Dependencies

Mod versions can be found on Modrinth: WTHIT, Bad Packets

dependencies {
  // compile against the API
  modCompileOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit-api:fabric-${wthitVersion}"

  // run against the full jar
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:fabric-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:fabric-${badpacketsVersion}"
buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath "org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.7.+"

apply plugin: "org.spongepowered.mixin"

dependencies {
  // compile against the API
  compileOnly fg.deobf("mcp.mobius.waila:wthit-api:forge-${wthitVersion}")

  // run against the full jar
  runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:forge-${wthitVersion}")
  runtimeOnly fg.deobf("lol.bai:badpackets:forge-${badpacketsVersion}")
dependencies {
  // compile against the API
  compileOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit-api:neo-${wthitVersion}"

  // run against the full jar
  runtimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:neo-${wthitVersion}"
  runtimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:neo-${badpacketsVersion}"
dependencies {
  // compile against the API
  modCompileOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit-api:quilt-${wthitVersion}"

  // run against the full jar
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:quilt-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:fabric-${badpacketsVersion}"

Common Project
dependencies {
  modCompileOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit-api:fabric-${wthitVersion}"
Fabric Project
dependencies {
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:fabric-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:fabric-${badpacketsVersion}"
Forge Project
dependencies {
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:forge-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:forge-${badpacketsVersion}"
Quilt Project
dependencies {
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:quilt-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:fabric-${badpacketsVersion}"

Common Project
dependencies {
  compileOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit-api:mojmap-${wthitVersion}"
Fabric Project
dependencies {
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:fabric-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:fabric-${badpacketsVersion}"
Forge Project
buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath "org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.7.+"

apply plugin: "org.spongepowered.mixin"

dependencies {
  runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:forge-${wthitVersion}")
  runtimeOnly fg.deobf("lol.bai:badpackets:forge-${badpacketsVersion}")
NeoForge Project
dependencies {
  runtimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:neo-${wthitVersion}"
  runtimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:neo-${badpacketsVersion}"
Quilt Project
dependencies {
  modRuntimeOnly "mcp.mobius.waila:wthit:quilt-${wthitVersion}"
  modRuntimeOnly "lol.bai:badpackets:fabric-${badpacketsVersion}"

Why compiling against the API jar?

When you compile against the full jar and use non API classes, your mod could break any time WTHIT updates. On the other hand, the API jar is guaranteed to be stable. No breaking changes without deprecation time.

If you found yourself needing to touch non API classes, open an issue on GitHub.

Available packages

All packages has mcp.mobius.waila as their group.

Package Description
wthit-api:fabric-${version} Intermediary API jar for Loom projects
wthit-api:forge-${version} SRG API jar for ForgeGradle projects
wthit-api:neo-${version} Mojang Mappings API jar for NeoGradle projects
wthit-api:quilt-${version} Intermediary API jar for Quilt-Loom projects
wthit-api:mojmap-${version} Mojang Mappings API jar for VanillaGradle projects
wthit:fabric-${version} Full runtime jar for Fabric
wthit:forge-${version} Full runtime jar for Forge
wthit:neo-${version} Full runtime jar for NeoForge
wthit:quilt-${version} Full runtime jar for Quilt
wthit:mojmap-${version} Full platform independent jar for internal implementation access

Creating Plugins

Making a Plugin Class

Make a class that implements IWailaPlugin

public class MyWailaPlugin implements IWailaPlugin {
  public void register(IRegistrar registrar) {
      // register your component here

Registering Plugins

Create a file called waila_plugins.json or wthit_plugins.json in the root of your mod, commonly in src/main/resources folder on your project.

  // the plugin identifier, [namespace:path]
  "yourmodid:plugin": {
    // the path to the implementation class
    "initializer": "package.YourWailaPlugin",

    // optional, decide the environment the plugin will loaded, options:
    // client    load plugin only on client and integrated server
    // server    load plugin only on dedicated server
    // *         load plugin on both client and dedicated server
    "side": "*",

    // optional, the required mods that this plugin needs
    "required": ["othermodid", "anotherone"]

  // register multiple plugins!
  "yourmodid:another": { /*...*/ }